Saturday, June 10, 2006

Drop in the ocean

Umming and ahhing about the Drop in the Ocean event tomorrow in Nottingham. There's quite alot of stuff I'd like to see, mainly the acoustic and unplugged stuff to be honest, as I think this suits my mood more on a Sunday.
I've also been tempted to contact the friend whom I miss so much, to see if he'd like to meet up with me, as I know he loves and indeed, plays guitar music, but I'm worried as to what response I'll I'm in a dilemma as to what to do.
I suppose in all reality, I should wait and let him contact me if he really desires. Failing that, who knows, it'd be nice to think that I may bump into him unexpectadly some time soon. We'll see.



Just phone him n say "Oi mush yer wanna come n hear some good guitar music?"

He'll say "yeah ok, when n where?"

I know these things.

('N if he doesn't his loss)

Sara said...

No, I don't think he will, I think he's had enough of me. I should really let him come to me if he wants to. Anyway, I'm gonna head off on my own and possibly meet up with some mates later.
Thanks for the sweet, kind words though.