Friday, June 09, 2006

Sunny Days

Well, today's a better one. Sorry for the miserable rant yesterday. I seriously need to get a grip and move on from this head space. So I've decided to look forward today and change a few things.

1. Limit cyberworld visits and get back into the real world, possibly giving up my frequent visits to a forum, that really, I need to withdraw from.
2. Go for a long swim today and enjoy my garden.
3. Get out there in the world and enjoy what I find.
4. Look forward to my Wales holiday in July.
5. Head to a cheap festival with my mate Anna in July.
6. Remember the nice times, erase the nasty times and forgive.
7. Remind myself that sometimes in life, people just aren't as 'in love' as you are, even though my gut feeling seems to tell me different.If it's 'real' then given time, my dream will come true.
8. Reaffirm my need to feel a deep love from someone that really loves and wants me.
9. Choose my friends wisely.
10.Remind myself that I may possibly be somewhat deluded at times.Who knows?

1 comment:


That's more like it babe. Stay on the up n it'll all pan out.