Monday, June 26, 2006

Training courses and disruption awakenings

Why is it, that when people like teachers, ie. ME, attend training courses, they become disruptive?
I've spent the whole day and another 4 days to come, on an ILT training course. OK on some level I've been a model student but as time passed by today, the urge of feeling disruptive appeared in my sad brain! Not in a naughty sense of the word but just to provoke a laugh in the rest of the class!
One incident in particular, had me laughing hysterically. We'd all split into groups and one group had to do a presentation on mobile phone technology and the advanatages of texting! All good and true!
However, when it came to the disadvantages of texting, I laughed out loud when one of the disadvantages was 'can cause addiction in folks'!! Fucking laugh my arse off I did, at this one. For some reason, I found this hilariously funny.
Furthermore, by the last hour of the session I was lolling(lying around) all over my computer chair. No upright to attention, for this girl. No, I was sucking the end of my pen (nice), lolling over brand new chairs, surfing the web secretly whilst the teacher was talking and whispering to a colleague whilst the teacher was talking. What a nightmare I am as a student!! has been pretty lightweight on the disruptive front, although I do fear, it's gonna get worse as the days pass by....


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Training is mostly awful and run by asshats.


Always knew teachers were worse than students. Mobile texting? Repetitive Stress injury is in vogue over here. Teenage girls with deformed fingers. It's in the press so it must be true