Saturday, November 18, 2006


Had a quiet night last night. Stayed in and listened to Calexic, Banco and my new William Orbit CD - Hello Waveforms. This man is a genius!
I also watched Brokeback Mountain. I thought it was a good expression of how people who love someone from the same sex had and still do, difficulties regarding the sexualty and acceping it. I was also touched by the love the two characters had for each other, but it saddned me that they had to 'pretend' in their daily life, hence me changing my own life situation cos there's nothing worse than being in a relationship with someone, who deep down, you know that the love has died.
I feel so free in many ways and this feel of freedon is giving me a real sense of clarity and strength. I'm off out tonight to a party which I know will be good fun.
I also feel that I have a little more clarity about the person I love. If they do ever want to be with me, I know this will happen when they're ready. In the meantime, I plan to start enjoying my life and my times out with friends and let fate, whatever that may be, work its magical ways.

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