Monday, November 06, 2006

Fuck emotions

Fuck emotions is my motto today. It don't get you know fuckin where to be an emotional person cos people get so scared of emotions and dealing with them. Well, I damned well know how to deal with my emotions so now, I close them off.
But this isn't the 'real' me. I'm an open, loving person. All I've ever offered to the people who matter in my life, is love. It seems that love is sometimes the wrong thing to offer. I'm so stupid and ridiculous at times.


Aunt Jackie said...

Sounds like the story of my life sometimes too Sara... Believe it or not, I really know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

I think you miss the stage; they're talking about college changing, but, I agree, in a primitive stage. The important word was "collaborative leadership"; academics should understand they may be dealing with men and women like them, and never some type of inferior species. Should you see closely, you'll understand they start
speaking about skills, but they go on to teaching changes,
curriculum changes, society changes. If we want schooling to?
modify, we are the types to perform it. And I'm a instructor to become.

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