Sunday, June 15, 2008

And so I read....

A book that I found in the second hand bookshop by Carol Ann Duffy - World's Wives and other selected poems for £1.49, what a bargain and how great to find second hand gems.
I like her writing and content of her poems..they strike chords in many respects and for sure, she's a vey talented writer who I feel, women can really feel some affinity to.
I love this poem below..I think it describes the feelings you have when you've become really fond of someone and indeed miss them and just be want to see and be with them..You know, that yearning in the heart? Anyway, here's the poem and see what you think..I think all human beings have this feeling at times in their life.

Words, Wide Night by Carol Ann Duffy

Somewhere on the other side of this wide night
and the distance between us, I am thinking of you.
The room is turning slowly away from the moon.

This is pleasurable. Or shall I cross that out and say
it is sad? In one of the tenses I singing
an impossible song of desire that you cannot hear.

La lala la. See? I close my eyes and imagine the dark hills I would have to cross
to reach you. For I am in love with you

and this is what it is like or what it is like in words.



Nell mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura...
!?...passavo per un saluto!

Aunt Jackie said...

That is so cool!! Looks like a good read!