Monday, June 09, 2008

To leave the city or and drunken cyberhate..

So, I'm wondering whether to head out of the city this weekend for some camping action. I can get a space camping in Derbyshire, Edale and I've thought that I could maybe take my bike but I'm unsure as yet whether to go or not. I'd love for A to come with me and share this time, I could treat him as a sort of celebration regarding the end of his course but time will see on that one. If he doesn't want to or indeed has other plans, then I'll head off alone I think, unless he wants to spend the weekend back here together in Nottingham..This I'll happily do and indeed, would love to spend a weekend with him very soon.

People often think you're a bit mad if you camp/walk alone but I'm OK with it. The thing that I find more weird is siting alone in a pub, missing not being with friends to have a drink and get merry with. Saying that, sometimes being alone means that you get chatting to new people and the like..I found this especially in Copenhagen. I cycled to a radical cafe on Blagards Plads, Norrebro, just out of the centre of Copenhagen to watch a gig. Really good gig and political at that, with a lot of left leaning/anarchic people there. I found these people to be friendly, warm, kind and easy company and got talking to a guy who was also alone and who sat opposite me at a table; There was no agenda from this guy, no pick up vibe or whatever but just friendly chat...that was fine and all good by me.

So, tomorrow? A swim I think in this lovely hot weather my body feels the urge to be in water. My Dad swam in a large pond tonight, he's a big lover of fresh water swimming and I keep meaning to go with him...I will one day but I do get fazed out by the muddy bottoms of ponds and not being able to see the bottom of the ponds! Fresh water swimming though? Supposed to be very good for the soul - I did it once, many years ago and who knows? Maybe the urge will return soon..Hampstead apparently, I think it is, has a pond called the Ladies Pond, I'd like to try out this place for sure but also, a big lake in North Wales in Snowdonia where apparently, the water is full of minerals and really good for you..Mmmm swimming in a large lake with no clothes on appeals to me greatly! Naked swimming is the best, it really is! The last time I did that was oh, way back in Greece in 1987, a long time ago amd a different body to what I have now, 2 kids down the line of course!

Whilst drunk the other night, I deleted my Myspace account. I did this a few years ago and regretted it, I don't know this time whether I regret it or not. Part of me is sick of cyberspace fallacies at times, yet the other part of me, likes to find out about new music and keep in touch with mates..So, to rebuild Myspace or not? I don't know, maybe I could have a different focus this time, more of a focus on my poetry and music rather than just about me etc. What do you guys think? I'm confused about it and sort of mad that I spent such a long time building it up to just go and delete it in a drunken moment...Hmm time to ponder this one but in a way, I quite like the fact that my pics are away from the peering electronic world and I feel a different sense of privacy - I feel like I want to simplify my life and go back to a simpler way of being and living..sometimes cyberworld seems so competitive and posey and hence, I guess this is what my drunken mind was thinking when the deleting took place.


Furtheron said...

Myspace - still there.... facebook - still there... but I don't go there... :-)

Naked swimming - well yes been a while for me as well.

Last time was in a duck at a French Chateau at 2am whilst very drunk and it was very dark. And the girl I'd dared to come with me freaked in the cold water and I had to drag her out just as our colleagues all arrived to find out what the screaming was.... So so not cool!

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

MySpazz is waste of time.

Stick to bloggage.


Sara said...

Thanks guys, think I'll regrain from rebuilding it..:-)

Sara said...

Whoops, meant to say refrain lol!

Anonymous said...

Thank you :) you should look at that emo boy style at this blog: