Friday, June 06, 2008

Not My World....

This isn't my world,
The world I belong to,
This isn't my time,
Too late, too worn..
beauty left behind..
Sincerity lost -
At what cost?
What goal?
All an empty hole.
An Achilles heel..?
Wholesome meal..
Stopping the feel?
Preventing heal...
Barbaric shield...
Life fail to yield,,


Unknown said...

Sara, create a world of your own..a world of your dreams...a world of hope n desire..a world of words..the real world is always like that..the harshness of life makes the real world uninviting..

Sara said...

Yeah, I do live in a world of my own in many ways - I wrote that poem after a night out and had drunk too much, felt fed up cos I was missing someone, deleted my Myspace account, culled a few poems, basically a mission of self destruct via the infleuence of alcohol. BAH!!!
But yes, hope and desire are definitely the way forward. Thanks