Monday, June 16, 2008

Solitary reflecting..

Today is a weird one. Thinking about the last few days and Saturday morning. Refelcting on all of the words that were spoken. I think I'm sort of shocked and running away from the words in my head, to save me from being too sad and upset..I don't get it, I don't understand closeness one time and then dsitance another..this isn't me and I can't be like this.I feel fed up and sad, really sad. I also feel hurt and meaningless, hence me writing this poem...

Rose of Entrapment

Red roses,
Are NOT beautiful.
They signify -
Cliches, lies,
The truth?
Buried, deep down inside..
Ruby, velvety petals -
Contain a sting so sharp,
Leaves -
The skin unsettled...
Another calling..
Poisonous red -
Wilting head.
Offered from necessity,
Such depravity.
A waste of nature -
Toxicated love,
Winding their branches,
Trapping butterflies above..

Moving on from my poem, I found this quote today and I like what it says and I guess it fits in with my view of life in many ways..

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death”

I also read today that quite a lot of people were injured and hospitalised by the police, in London's Anti Bush protest..Scary roads we're going down - I thought this sort of mistreat,ent would've ended with the Thatcher Govt but alas, sadly it hasn't! What faith can we have in this Govt if they're continuing to adopt the idea of a police state?

So, off to sleep I go, feeling devoid and empty..but, I have to keep focussed and I will remind myself that I have a meditation class this week and a Shiatzu massage to look forward to.


Aunt Jackie said...

This is very nice... I like the line with the butterflies too. I love butterflies. My Mother is going to visit me one day as a butterfly after she's gone. I just know it. :)

Furtheron said...


Time out my dear. Hope you feel better soon.

Sara said...

Thanks for the comments people. I'm just sick of insincerity..and fallacies..hence the rant and fedupness..

Anonymous said...

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge." That's a quote I'll remember and I agree indeed! Wonderful poem too.