Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stumbled upon....

Reacently, whilst I was following the debate about lowering the abortion limit, I came across this really interesting website and indeed, fresh air of libertarian/radical views..I like what a lot of the writers have to say and I like the fact that they challenge the 'all too prescriptive system' we're starting to find ourselves in, in the UK.

Anyway, here's a link to the site and I love the part about subversive parenting!

Check the site out and see what you think.

Don't quite know what I'm up to this weekend, had planned to see A but he's under a load of pressure with stuff which means, we will hopefully get together next weekend unless he gives me a suprise call which is always sweet! I think he's finally totally sussing me out, I'm a melodramatic, apparently??? He's right! My Mum used to call me a 'Drama Queen' and A has deffo recognised this trait in me, apparently, I'm worse than him but then again, we are both Virgoans so maybe we have a good understanding of each other on a cosmic level!
The good thing is, when we have these funny sort of confusions about stuff, which happened last night, he seems to know how to deal with me and my temper/drama antics - This is GOOD stuff!

So, I may revert to my original plans of heading out of the city to walk and maybe camp. A good friend has invited me out tomorrow night but I'm trying to watch the pennies cos going out is so ridiculously expensive and indeed, I get fed up of feeling crap the next day, after a big blowout!

Anyway, let the universe unfold it's happenings people!


Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

What was your take on the abortion limit?

Sara said...

Hmm had many a dilemma working this one out but I think it should stay as it is..the thing I fear is the UK heading down the route of the U.S/Christian Pro Life Brigade and that's something I really DON'T want..I think abortion is personal to every woman and isn't a decision made lightly thus, the longer a woman has to make that decision the better..and indeed feel sure that they are making the right decision..
Furthermore, a tiny percentage of abortions are done at the 24 week limit. Maybe they could've compromised at 22?? However, it's a very contentious issue for sure..and I'm sort of glad it's not changed...