Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I spy with my little eye....

A Hedgehog..

I can't believe my luck tonight, 9.30pm I decide to sit in my garden and chill, lit a fire and fuck me, as it starts to get dark, a Hedgehog scuffles right in front of me!
I can't belive it, this is the first time in YEARS that I've seen a Hedgehog in a garden wandering around. Next thing I know, it'd run into my outhouse, I picked it up and put it back in the garden..Bless the little creature just sat stood in a ball for ages and then I guess waited to feel safe and then scurried off again..How sweet is that?
I'm really touched and happy about seeing this little creature..I want to learn more about Hedgehogs and I hope it returns...what a delight!! Theres a good organisation called the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, who are concerned about the Hedgehogs' future - apparently their numbers are declining in and across the UK and Europe.. Anyway here's a link regarding this..


I'm still so touched about seeing it and part of me has started to think that maybe working with animals maybe something to consider, beings as though I'm cointemplating my career change and path right now..Hmm trouble is though, there are hardly any jobs working with animals...

Bless and up with the cute world of Hedgehogs!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara! Thanks for your comments. Once a curious hedgehoge came up to me and a friend and we fed him/her pieces of apples. Incredible! Sadly, I see many dead hedgehogs on the roads. One of many reasons I don't like cars.