Saturday, March 24, 2007


I wish that there was an understanding about love....That the person you love so truly, understands that you have no desire to escape them..that your love is so deep that escaping them is impossible because however you much you may escape them on a physical level, you never escape them on an emotional and spiritual level. It's pointless getting drunk or stoned to numb your feelings of love because they only return to you...that's what feelings are about - you can't hide, push, deny, ignore - it's the worst thing ever, it really is to do such a thing..

I feel this depth all of the time. I do things and I wish my beloved was with me to share this experience. I was at a fantastic party last night but having my beloved there with me, would have made my night complete..he is the missing piece to my jigsaw, he is the spirit that burns within me...He is always with me..I love him so deeply and truly, it's quite surreal but pleasantly wonderful to know that I have a love so deep and passionate...My oh my...

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