Thursday, December 27, 2007

I declare that I love................

Radio 4.

Seriously guys, this radio station is one of the most enjoyable media I listen to, apart from some of the plays and of course, my own music collection.
Today I heard a wicked discussion about Martin Scorcese and his style used for choosing actors. I heard interesting dialogue about Benazir Bhutto's assasination and the differenrt factions giving their thoughts. I love woman's hour and the discussions about mental health, forgot the name of the show re. mental health, ahh yes, it's called 'All in the Mind'. I also love the historical documentary discussions and the reviews/book at bedtime. Desert Island disc is quite fun too, depending on of course, who is being interviewed.
I think my fondness for this radio station is also due to my need for new stimuli and information, almost like I have an overactive brain that needs feeding with info to stay alive!
Anyway, I know R4 is a tad high brow at times and the stuffy english accents piss me off at times but for interesting info, it's worth some time to take a listen to and it helps me tune into other stuff rather than thinking about the woes and strife! Happy listening!

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