Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Music that Moves

So, I've been listening to Sigur Ros's new sounds recently. The new CD Heim/Hvarf is truly astounding and beautiful; so much so, some of the tracks truly move me to tears especially Von and I gaer - (I'm guessing I gaer means 'IN GEAR' - at least in Danish it means this and Icelandic does have some slight similarities to Danish)...There's something so melancholically sad but a true musical delight at the same time.
The singer has an amazing voice and the accompanying violins and drums make their music so special. Funnily enough, the lead singer's voice and emotional displays, remind me somewhat of Thom Yorke from Radiohead. Not afraid to show and feel emotion as they sing, like their whole energy and raw passion for their music is unleashed and almost like they want to give me, the listener, a worthwhile experience..I really wish I could play an instrument, I know I could unleash all of my emotions into my music if I played. It's never to late to learn I know and the piano was a wish to learn, for this year but sadly, it hasn't happened as yet.
Maybe I should join a singing group or something instead, I love singing but get shy and don't sing well in front of others for fear that they'll judge my voice. The only person who completely encouraged me to practice singing and who I eventually let my guard down to, was my eldest son's father, Jorgen..He said I had a voice very similar to Suzanne Vega especially when I added the touch of an american accent..Hmm..I wonder?

Here's a link to Sigur Ros anyway..



1 comment:


After years of loud punk rock I don't suppose it'd matter too much to me if they're singing in Iclandic or Danish or even Mandarin to be honest....