Saturday, January 20, 2007

Desperately Seeking Closure

Well, as you know, I've now been split with my ex for quite some time. However, due to my ex having no proper 'living' address as yet, it's proving tough at times. At the moment, my ex stays at different places during the week. I know this is getting him down but it's also getting me down because I still feel like there's a part of him that I can't completely close off too, due to me storing alot of his stuff. I actually really want to clear the house of so many things but feel that I'm unable to do this at the moment. For me, when I move on in life, I have to 'physically' move on too - this can be in the form of redecorating the house to feel a sense of my 'owness'.
I just wish he'd get a grip on some level, get a job and rent privately. I understand his dilemma because he wants to get a housing association place, so that he can have an extra room for our son to stay with him. At the moment, he stays with his sister, brother and at my place now and then.
This, I'm not happy about but I'm trying to be calm about it and remember that this is a small thing, in the 'bigger picture' of time and life. I'd also hate to see him in a hostel but also if this were the case, he'd then lose his right to be housed, in an area close to his son. The housing situation really grates at times; The council have no accommodation for years - so much for social housing. Housing policy has meant that social housing has become harder and harder to attain. Luckily, my ex has a lot of points on a housing association list which hopefully means, he'll get a decent place of his own soon. I await with anticipation and urgency..
At times, I get angry about this situation but I always try and remember that I want to be of support and indeed understand the situation he's in. I know this will happen all in good time but sometimes, I just get fed up with the suituation. The main thing for me is, that my son is OK, sees his father regularly and enjoys building up his relationships with his Dad's family. Financially, I don't give a damn. I know from friends,that this is a big 'fighting block' for people who split up. Luckily, we have no mortgage together or joint finances..this has made things really simple in many ways. I actually don't even ask for any money from him at the moment, because his situation right now, doesn't lend itself to be able to do this. As long as he maintains contact with his son, is paramount to me. Luckily, our son has taken the split in his own stride. The good thing now, is that he's not confined to listening to two terribly unhappy people, bickering and arguing, as was sadly the case, when we lived together.
Funnily enough, for my ex, although the relationship break-up in some ways has been hard but necessary, positive things have occured because of this. He's now in touch with his Mum more and stays with his sister for most of the week, building on years of having no contact with her. Furthermore, my son has also been introduced to his Father's side of the family on a larger scale and this I'm glad for because before, he had hardly any contact whatsoever. He had good contact with his uncle but not his aunt and Grandmother. My son now looks so forward to staying with his Dad and his aunt at the weekends because he now has another cousing who he loves being cheeky too and playing with.
So, time will change these issues I know and I hope the best for my ex in the future. I know he'll be fine once he has a place of his own and indeed is able to start a new life in a place that he can call his and his son's home.



In the middle of worrying about everybody else don't forget to look after you too. x

Sara said...

My Mum used to say to me
'Do other people worry about you as much as you do them? Think about yourself a little more'.
She spoke wise words, like yourself.x