Sunday, January 07, 2007


I'm starting to change my focus in life on some level. After being at the party last night, it reminded me about being around like minded people and the joys of this. Even though I'd never met any of these people before, we all got on really well.
Socialist type thinkers with similar views to my own, it was good to also talk to a woman called Eileen who's training for the ministry. She's a counsellor too and quite an empowering person to talk to;born in the poor area of Liverpool, struggled as a child with poverty and what it brings, knowing that there was more to life and that inequality is unfair. A woman with some deep convictions and solid views.
She commented about how she thought I was a very spiritual, enlightened person and glad that I saw the bigger picture in life, re. materialism and money.
I noted to her that I am interested by religion but not and never will be, a 'Christian'. I'm more interested in the philosophy of Buddhism but also the natural aspects of Wicca. I don't follow these as a saint, as such but I have read alot about Buddhism and Wicca. I like what their doctrines are about; compassion, treating people with respect, not harming people, looking afte the planet and nature, nurturing each other, using plants to heal, celebrating nature and the seasons.Simplistic beliefs that are so needed in these ever increasing, difficult times.
It's made me want to simplify my life again. Find a true focus and work on this. I actually have thought of possibly becoming 'active' again on a political level - maybe use my Saturdays to help an orgnisation that I have faith in...I'm actually really interested in the Community Squat Project in Nottingham..I may go along and see if they want any help with the workshops etc, that they are providing to the community and indeed get involved on a 'grass roots' level again.

Hmm last night, although drunken and fun, was also quite therapeutic.

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