Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I've re-read many of my posts today from the past year. It's amazing how things have changed in my life but how some things, have also stayed the same, such as my feelings for a loved one. I've also been re-reading a book by Jeanette Winterson called 'Written on the Body'.This book is wonderful. The way the author describes her love for the 'Louise,' the character with whom she falls deeply in love with, is exhilerating and so passionate. The way she describes all of those small things about someone she loves and the small yet so intricate observations, that others would probably never notice. By reading this book, I've been taken back to a particular night, not so long ago, when my beloved was playing guitar.
That night, I couldn't help but watch how delicately his fingers moved along the neck of the guitar and gently pushed the strings to where he so desired, to make the sounds he wanted to make. I couldn't take my eyes off watching his hands and his delicate fingers. I felt a rush of 'emotion and yearning' just by watching him do this. It's strange really, how the most simple of things, can have a deeply moving effect on our heart. How we notice the small things in a person, with whom we have deep feelings for.
I also remember not so long ago, when he came to my house for the first time and how his eyes 'drunk in' my home and how it looked, what it possessed. One observation that touched me greatly was when he said to me that my home was ..
' So You'
He seemed in awe of my abode. It was wonderful to see and indeed hear, that sort of compliment and indeed, cherish his delight about my home.
So, these little observations are so meaningful in the bigger picture of life and have their own special meaning to too, does the beautiful, delicious observations contained in the book 'Written on the Body'..Wow!
God, I really hope I will see him again soon. I'm also trying to be calm about everything and maintaining a sense of 'ease' about things. Each time I do see him, I look so forward to it and still get such a sense of excitement - even nearly two years on, of making his aquaintance. How magical is that?

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